Last updated December 29, 2024
As a graphic designer hobbyist, I take the time to make quality brand images for myself and my friends. As such, I hereby claim all graphics on the brands page. I created all the graphics present, thus their use cases must fall in accordance with this policy.
All graphics on the brands page have a copyright license. Anyone is permitted to use the Cesium-branded graphics under the following conditions: - When referring to me - When I am present in a collaboration - If you are drafting something for me (must be private) - When responding to an email where I have already included the image - When handling an official Cesium document
There are other use cases where using a Cesium brand graphic is acceptable, such as merchandise or acting on my behalf. These scenarios require my written permission to use the brand. For more information on copyright violation, see section 2.
In NO WAY are Cesium brand graphics allowed to be used under the following conditions:
Non-Cesium brand graphics, such as Minecraft Horizons, AcriKnight, and Semblance, have different terms applied. Please check with the recipient of the graphic for their chosen policies on use cases.
As for Minecraft Horizons, the brand is issued under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. You are free to use it in any Minecraft Horizons content or relating to Minecraft Horizons.
Please note that Azetrico Brands are owned by Azetrico, Inc. Until further notice, they are protected under the same copyright policy as Cesium Brands.
All Cesium brand graphics are protected under a copyright license with clearly written statements about how the brand graphics can or cannot be used. These rights can be revoked at any time for any reason by Christopher Stafford. Upon violation of copyright (in the case of electronic items), a DMCA takedown request will be filed. Failure to comply may result in a lawsuit.
Upon production of a physical good with Cesium brand graphics, a cease and decist notice will be issued requiring the party to recall any and all goods with the Cesium brand graphics and pay a 40% cut PER PRODUCT SOLD to Christopher Stafford along with a full refund to any and all recipients of the goods. Failure to comply will result in a court of law.
Any and all communication about a copyright violation will include official warnings, declaration of rights, due dates, and infringement notice.